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Search Results for: superbugs

Superbugs Resist Antibiotic Drugs

Superbugs, aka drug-resistant bacterial infections, can cause infections that are ...  of bacteria that are susceptible to the drug. Here are 6 superbugs that can be challenging to treat. Klebsiella pneumoniae This is ...  : function(index, panel){ return ["Superbugs","Kleb pneu","Staph","C. diff","XDR TB","Gonorrhea","Shiga"][index - ...

Superbugs Resistant to Antibiotics

Superbugs, aka drug-resistant bacterial infections, can cause infections that are ...  of bacteria that are susceptible to the drug. Here are 6 superbugs that can be challenging to treat. Klebsiella pneumoniae This is ...  : function(index, panel){ return ["Superbugs","Kleb pneu","Staph","C. diff","XDR TB","Gonorrhea","Shiga"][index - ...