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Los You Toons Se Preparan para Obamacare

En Español

Antes del inicio del período de inscripción abierta, el 1 de octubre, la Kaiser Family Foundation presenta un video en español para que el público comprenda mejor los cambios que vienen próximamente bajo la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio (Affordable Care Act o ACA, en inglés). “Los You Toons Se Preparan para Obamacare” explica las nuevas opciones que tendrán los estadounidenses para obtener seguro médico en el año 2014.


Before the October 1 start of open enrollment, the Kaiser Family Foundation presents a Spanish-language video as part of its continuing efforts to increase the public’s understanding of upcoming changes under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Based on the previously released English-language video, “Los YouToons Se Preparan Para Obamacare” explains the basic changes in how Americans can obtain health coverage in 2014.

According to Kaiser Health Tracking Poll roughly half (51%) of Americans, and nearly two-thirds of Hispanics (64%), say they don’t have enough information about the ACA to understand how it will impact them and their families. This video serves as a visual how-to guide to help viewers understand what benefits they qualify for and what they can do to prepare for open enrollment, which starts October 1, 2013 and closes March 31, 2014. It also educates Americans about what will – and what will not – change under the ACA.